Wednesday, November 3, 2010

playtime- i need to stand up now no more tunny time for me !

ruby will not lay down on her tummy or back now for any longer than 2 mins mmm she wants to be standing or in her highcahir !

a few videos playime and feeding

ruby starting solids - so funny

yak !! what the hell is the rice stuff- I only will have this if you mix it with bannana.
i dont like mummys pumpkin ha ha and she made a full tray
I love rusks now mmmm!!
I love apples cut up and I am looking forward to trying some more thing snext week.
I like to hold the spoon and make a mess !! poppet and tiger like me now as i feed them from my highchair and they get my left over rusks !!

a couple of updates our holiday to broome