Friday, August 13, 2010

1 more

a couple more

a couple more Ruby 3 months old.

Nic this one is for you her dressing gown is just fantastic for her swimming she loves it
Marie one just for you - Gary finally let me put a headband on- Gary said he does not like them personally I think she suits them but Ruby not to keen, we need to get her used to hats for the weather over here
Lily one just for you Ruby loves her new jacket

Enjoy xx

Ruby 3 moths old

gosh we are getting so excited now cuddles from the uk clan is almost here.

Ruby is now full of smiles every morning is a dream,we look forward to going to bed to wake up to her gorgeous smile.
Ruby discovered her toys now and is so gorgeous to watch discovering all the new colours and noises.
Ruby loves to blow rasberries
Ruby loves her swimming nursery rhyme times- pictures to follow my battery died and then the card was full for her swimming times- Grandma bought her a gorgeous swimming costume.
Ruby loves to give her mum love bites on her arms I have brusies all the way up my forearms.
Ruby loves her daddy to walk and walk and walk with her and dance and sing ! she loves hearing her daddies voice.
Ruby had her first visit to teh beach and loved it - she slept and gave her mummy some reading time,good girl Ruby.

Enjoy the pictures, not to long now until a cuddle. Ruby can't wait. xx